Friday, May 29, 2009
Paul Blart: Mall Cop
What is it about this guy that we like?
Paul Blart: Mall Cop
Traditionally Handsome? No. Buff and Tan? Nope. A “James Bond” Jetsetter? Not a chance.
I haven’t seen this movie, the trailers pretty much say it all, I bet.
I first noticed Kevin James in the movie Hitch.
I’m a big Will Smith Fan, which is why I watched Hitch the first time. I enjoyed the character Will Smith plays and as I watched the movie, started to like the character Albert Brennaman as well.
Nice guy who never quite fits in, not in the best shape, not suave with the ladies. Almost the antithesis of the Hitch Persona. (“The Date Doctor” does have a sensitive side as we discover.)
So what is it? I believe that he’s the “Everyman”, the Underachiever that people identify with. He hasn’t found his groove yet, but is movin’ through life in the best way he can.
He’s willing to try new things, even though they may be painful (ck out the back waxing scene in the trailer!) and knows he can be more than he is today.
Most people want that. We want a better house, a better job, better relationships, better life. Albert Brennaman decides to do something about it and gets a little coaching.
Smart guy. Who couldn’t use a little extra coaching. If you want to become more, you have to believe more, learn more and do more. I am blessed to have had many coaches and mentors who believed in me until I had grown to the place where I could believe in myself. Still lots to learn.. and will be for the rest of my life as I grow into the person that God designed me to be.
How about you? Are you stretching the borders of your comfort zone in some area of your life? Feeling a bit uncomfortable? A little stressed as you try something new?
Let me tell you, it’s ok. It’s going to be just fine, probably great in fact! Be yourself and learn to be a better version of yourself. Read, Listen, Shadow Successes who have the qualities and skills that you want to learn. Find a mentor. Enjoy the Journey!
Here's to Your Success!
Sue Mazza
ps - just for fun - here's a short clip of an interview with the actor.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Saturday, February 28, 2009
What Gremlins are holding you back?
Recently, I had coffee with my friend, Deborah, who is a Life Coach.
Deborah shared how it’s interesting that some of her clients are successful, while others remain “stuck” and unsuccessful because of the “gremlins” of fear and self-doubt.
That got me to thinking…Gremlins are scary.. they can be pretty big, and I bet if I saw one they would smell badly too.
But gremlins aren’t real…. Oh, yes, we’ve seen them on the big screen, and the small one that flickers in our living rooms. We’ve read all about them in all their nasty disguises in books and stories.
We’ve been certain some nights, in the long nights of trial and stress, that they were right at our bedside, practically breathing their foul breath on us, waiting to move in and hurt us as we spent a sleepless night of worry and fear.
But Gremlins are not real! They are the stuff of stories. In all good stories, the hero has to encounter the bad guys and overcome. Oh, they’ll cause him or her lots of trouble, binding them up in fear, worry and dread, paralyzing enough to stop the hero from moving forward until at the very last minute, our hero finds a way forward and gains the prize.
Gremlins look so big and nasty on the movie screen and in our imagination as we read a great story. We can become convinced they are real!
Our subconscious is a powerful tool. The size of a house, compared to our conscious mind, the size of a pea. It takes in all information, not sorting between dream and reality. Take enough Gremlin fiction in and you might be convinced that they are real.
But they are not.
Our Gremlins of fear, self-doubt and worry try to hold us back . But the gremlins of night-fear fade back into the shadows as the sun rises each morning.
The self doubt and worry slides away as we move forward towards our goal. Those first steps are hard, painfully hard sometimes. We might whimper with fear, telling ourselves, we just can’t do it.
But each halting step that we take, moves us ever towards our goal. Left foot, right, baby steps, sometimes leaps. And as we see the prize, our goal, our pace quickens.
Maybe, we just MIGHT be able to do it… it It Could be possible… baby steps baby steps. We start to gain confidence, whistling as we go to scare away the gremlins.
Soon, we are running to the goal, casting off our night shawl of all those fears, self-doubt and worry.
We Can do it! We can move beyond our self-limiting beliefs and take our future firmly in hand to make it our present.
When my daughter Rachel was little, we used to make up all kinds of songs. She had a period of her life when she was young and plagued with a lot of fears.
We made up a song that she used to sing all the time…
The lyrics were: Conquer your Fears and Courage will Follow, Conquer your fears and courage will follow… all the days of your life. Not a fancy song, but a heartfelt one. Sing your song of courage as you face your fears.
What’s holding you back today from achieving your goals and dreams?
Fear of success? Fear of Failure? The fear is almost always worse than the worst that can happen.
By moving forward, we let the bright sunshine of hope shine on us, warming our very souls as it burns away the shroud of dark thoughts.
Afraid you don’t know enough to succeed? Seek out the knowledge you need. There are more people willing to give help than you can imagine. Don’t let the gremlins of misplaced ego or self-deprecation drag on your coat tails. Ask for help.
Until you Try, you have no idea how close you might actually be to your goal, or what windows of opportunity are just waiting for you to unlatch the lock and throw them wide.
This is your life. Live it . Take charge. Seize the day.
Here’s to your success!
Sue Mazza
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Secrets to Success Training CD
With perseverance comes success. I've finally finished my new training CD!
To learn more about it, visit my website at or get it now through paypal:
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Want More Customers and Recruits? Here's how to get them.
or Spring Showcase
(You might want to work with your upline to develop some good email copy so this is more effective for you.)
Monday, January 26, 2009
The Road to Procrastination Never Leads to a Good Destination.
When I first heard these words, I mentally filed them away with all the other great “sayings” I hear, thinking to myself… Yes, that’s true… I’ll have to really think about that… LATER
Well Later is generally too late and tomorrow never comes, by then it is today!
So, let’s see.. Has Procrastination ever led me to a good destination?
When I procrastinated on dropping off a catalog for my business to the office near me, and then a week later walked in to find out that someone else had beat me to it now. Darn.. guess that girl got lucky.
When I was sure those airline tickets to LA would go down, and had to pay an extra $150 four hours later to book my flight. Gee, those airlines are fickle.
When I lost that traffic ticket and found it buried in pile of papers 6 weeks later, and my $75 ticket now cost me $225. Those traffic cops… don’t they have anything better to do, catch Criminals?
When I ate that piece of cherry pie and said.. I really will start my diet tomorrow, then stepped on the scale and found I was up 10 pounds over the last two weeks instead of down.. C’mon on… my scale Must be broken
When I meant to call that prospect back and finally found of paper I had written it on, two weeks later, and he isn’t interested any longer. People, what’s with them anyways?
Catch a common thread? Have you ever had a similar experience?
Why do we procrastinate?
· Bad Time Management
· Fear of Failure
· Fear of Success
· Not sure we know enough about a subject
· Laziness
· Easily Distracted
· Low Self Esteem
Just to name a few.
Procrastination almost always costs us something.
Costs in Time, Money, Relationships, Self Image.
So how do we stop this cycle and break free? Break free to start building happy, exciting, productive lives for ourselves both personally and in our business?
There are a million articles and books about this, but I’m going to suggest one very simple, baby step.
Do the One.
What is the ONE THING that would make the most difference in:
Your Health?
Your Marriage?
Your Finances?
Your Business?
Your Relationships?
Here’s a personal example that worked for me.
I finally started this when I went down to the laundry room and found that the pile of clean laundry on the table was higher than my head. Just a little procrastination? You bet!
So, I made myself a deal. JUST FOLD 5.
Each time I went down to the laundry room, I would fold 5. That’s all I was required to do. No biggie, I can do that in about 1 minute. But it was amazing. I finished the 5 and then, actually, folded some more. And the job got done. Finally. Now, every time I go downstairs, I fold 5. Sometimes more. Sometimes just 5. Sometimes I actually catch myself arguing with myself about the simple task of folding 5 towels! But I passed the test. I CAN FOLD AT LEAST 5 ! And that makes me a winner in my little game.
So, what else can we do?
What’s the one thing that YOU can do in each of those areas above that would make the most difference? Doesn’t have to be anything big. It can be making one phone call to an customer to set up delivery. Taking the dog for a 5 minute walk. Returning the blockbuster video to avoid fees, even though you drove by there 6 times already this weekend.
Making the appointment for your physical. Picking up milk the next time you stop at the gas station. Filing away the credit card you used for holiday purchases (even when you knew you shouldn’t) that is still in your wallet 30 days later. Placing one classified ad for just $5.00 to grow your business. Folding 5 things.
For the next 30 days, agree with yourself, and with me to DO THE ONE.
Pick 1 item from each of the 5 above, or add a category if you must, but don’t overdo! Remember, we are taking baby steps.
Each night write down the one thing you must do in each of those areas before you go on to do all the other urgent and important things in your life.
(Hint, put this pad of paper by your bathroom sink where you brush your teeth – you HAVE to go there anyways. Putting it on the kitchen table, office desk, etc may cause you to actually procrastinate from just going into the room for fear you’ll see the note! Our subconscious is a powerful procrastinator!)
Then, each morning, DO THE ONE.
Fold the 5.
Make the call.
Pay the bill.
Just try it for 30 days and let me know how it goes.
You can do it, just taking that little action will make all the difference in your life by the end of the 30 days.
DO THE ONE. Do it , really, now.
Here’s to Your Success!
Sue Mazza,
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Snow Day
It’s been pretty snowy here in Chicagoland, as well as where many of you live. Normally, I’d just ignore it for the most part, but as my husband Lou has been out of town, (most recently in Vegas, can you believe it!), I’ve been the one out shoveling the driveway and keeping things warm and cozy.
My daughter a junior at Naperville Central, was excited and anxiously waiting to hear that her school had a snow day. She was SO disappointed to find that despite the cold and snow, that life goes on and that school was open.
It made me think of how we sometimes treat our business. Sometimes we just want a SNOW DAY! A day to do nothing, when absence from life and responsibility Is not only acceptable, but even approved by the powers that be!
And you know what?
But think what would happen if my 16 year old, or any student, had a snow day EVERY DAY! Sounds good at first, but long term, maybe not so good.
We wouldn’t learn anything, and likely be Stuck at the same point in our life for a very long time. School is as much about personal development as educational learning.
Our business is the same. Is your Business Stagnant? Been stuck in the same place for longer than you’d like?
Maybe it’s time to come back from that Holiday Vacation and Heat Things Up in your Business!
How to do that?
1. Give yourself a break!
2. Take Stock of Where You Are.
Make a 90 Day Plan to help you get real about your goals. Get your goals on paper and into reality! Once you've set your 90 day Plan, break it down into month, week and day.
3. Decide what you want to accomplish with your Business in 2009.
Just like mapquest, if I don’t choose a destination, I can never get to where I want to go without an end in mind. In fact, here’s an important Point.
Take Action Today, Tomorrow, and The Next Day!
5. Find a “Workout Partner”.
6. Get Involved!
Here's To Your Success!
Sue Mazza
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Here's the question -
in the Insurance Profession and lifelong student of success.
He said:As Jim Rohn would say, "Well, Isn't that interesting"
Winners have simply formed the
habit of doing things losers
don't like to do."
Was Michael Jordan born a famous Basketball Star?
Did Whitney Houston always sing like an Angel?
Being a great parent?
I challenge you to make 2009 the year when people will say:
"That was when she decided to become a
Sue Mazza
P.S. Want to Read More? Check out “The Common Denominator of Success” by Albert E.N. Gray